[CFP] Conference 2019 – World Economy Working Group

Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy AFEP-IIPPE Conference, with participation by ADEK, AHE and EAEPE

Date and place: IEP and University of Lille (France), 3-5 July 2019

World Economy Working Group, Call for Papers

The state of systemic turbulence of the world economy has deepened during the last year.  Although a genuine recovery from the 2007/8 global economic crisis never took place, the risk of a new world crisis is increasing. This is intensifying both economic and political contradictions between centres, peripheries and semi-peripheries, among nations as well as within them. Instabilities in financial markets and commercial tensions have been spreading. Implementation of structural adjustment programmes against the large majorities by increasingly authoritarian governments continues. Racism and fascism are advancing. But resistance continues to blossom and takes on new forms. While the worldwide process of capital accumulation makes more and more people ‘disposable’, instigating racism and divisions among workers, new caravans will start their march and inspire our struggle.

The left has much to learn from the long-standing struggles against imperialism in the peripheries. But to envision a really alternative “economy of the future” the left needs to reflect also on its failures, starting from the general crisis of left reformism and the progressive tide in South America.

At this year’s IIPPE Conference, we wish to continue the debates on the world economy that we started in Berlin and Pula, and discuss how they can contribute to envisioning and creating an alternative economy of the future. We welcome submissions on:

  • Global accumulation of capital
  • Regional, national and subnational accumulation processes and crises within the world market
  • Racism and fascism from a global perspective
  • Migration, racism, and anti-racist struggles
  • The experience of left governments and the new right-wing reaction in Latin America
  • Spatial geo-economic and geopolitical reorganizations
  • Transnational corporations
  • Capitalist globalization and changes in labour relations
  • New dependency theory and centre-periphery relations
  • Imperialism and its new forms
  • State, nation, and globalized capital
  • Social and political conflicts and alternatives
  • Labour, social movements, and international solidarities
  • Imperialist wars and migration
  • The post-Soviet space – Former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern European states and beyond
  • The political economy of contemporary Middle East: dynamics and challenges in the context of perpetual turmoil
  • Africa in the context of renewed imperialist economic rivalries
  • The political economy of China and new expansionist powers

Paper and panel proposals must be submitted by the 15th of January 2019 at http://iippe.org/10th-annual-conference-in-political-economy/ ticking World Economy Working Group.

For queries and proposals please contact the World Economy Working Group coordinators: Abelardo Marina Flores (abmf60@me.com), Lucia Pradella (lucia.pradella@kcl.ac.uk), and Rubens Sawaya (rrsawaya@gmail.com).

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